Thursday, December 24, 2009
Bill Proposed to Create "Office of Open Records"
Monday, December 21, 2009
Public Records Show ... State Officials Nervous About Seattle Mayoral Race
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The (Longview) Daily News Editorial on Pres. Obama's Opennes Record
The Fight for WaMu Documents
The federal bank regulators are not being helpful.
Monday, December 14, 2009
US Supreme Court to Review Public Employee Privacy
Thanks to Rusty for sending this to us.
Spokesman-Review Editorial on U.S. Supreme Court Case on Initiative Signatures
Friday, December 11, 2009
An Elected Official Gets It
Monday, December 7, 2009
Oregon Jumps on Open Gov't Ombudsman Bandwagon
Next maybe you can let people pump their own gas.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Jefferson County Violating First Amendment?
Tim Ford of the Attorney General's Office says this raises serious constitutional questions.
That's an understatement.
Jefferson County, by the way, is the home of the "pizza privacy" exemption from disclosure under the Public Records Act.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Columbian Column on Public Records Administrative Remedy
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Op-Ed Blasts Whatcom Ruling on Destroying Records
NOTE: Greg Overstreet of Allied Law Group represented the Bellingham Herald in the case.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Bill Proposed to Require Disclosure of Initiative Signatures
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Cities Get Money to Digitize Some Public Records
Monday, November 23, 2009
More on Initiative Signature Litigation
Port of Olympia To Pay $56,000 In Public Records Case
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Bellingham Herald Editorial Blasts Decision on Destroying Public Records
NOTE: Greg Overstreet of Allied Law Group represented the Bellingham Herald in this case.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Spokesman Review Editorial on Clean Air Agency Settlement and Need for Taping Law
NOTE: Michele Earl-Hubbard of Allied Law Group represented the citizens group in this case.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Board of Accountancy Blasted for Lack of Accountability
NOTE: The editorial quotes Greg Overstreet of Allied Law Group who represents the accountant who obtained the settlement from the Board.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Spokane Air Agency Settles Open Meetings Suit
NOTE: Michele Earl-Hubbard of Allied Law Group represented the Center for Justice.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Olympian Editorial on New Ombudsman Office
Monday, November 9, 2009
TNT Editorial on DSHS Public Records Payout of $525,001
Arizona Supreme Court Ruling on Disclosure of Electronic Records (YEAH!) Analyzed
Social Networking Sites for Gov't: Public Records and Records Retention Issues
Here's the deal: Government is different than private people and businesses. Government is not a teenager on Facebook, or a business using Twitter to generate business. Government can tax and imprison; teenagers and businesses cannot. Government is subject to laws that allow the boss--the People--to know what's going on. Comparing government to private entities is not useful when it comes to transparency. To see what the government is doing, all you need is a public records request. To see what a private person is doing, you need a search warrant and probable cause. Quite a difference. Thank goodness.
R-71 Going to SCOTUS?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Puplic Records Show ... Man Accused of Beating Disabled Boy Was Innocent
The tape showed the man was innocent.
It is interesting that at first the library claimed the tape could be withheld from disclosure because it was a "library record." The accused had to go to court and obtain an order compelling disclosure. Ironically, the law designed to shield the books one checks out at a library from public scrutiny, which is to protect individual liberties, was initially used to ... deprive someone of his individual liberties of being free from criminal charges for a crime he did not commit.
City of Vancouver Fined in Public Records Act Case
The story does not address the larger source of a money pay out for the City, the mandatory award of attorneys' fees to the requestor who prevailed.
Thanks to avid og-blog reader "Kokanee Bill" for this story.
Pizza Gathering Apparently Not an Illegal Meeting
"A gathering of five Sumner City Council members caused a flurry of activity in late October, including a police report and an anonymous anchovy pizza delivery."
Read all about it.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Jefferson County: "Closed Gov't Capital of Washington"
The editorial discusses Jefferson County Commissioner Sullivan's costly stand for "pizza privacy." The background on that issue is covered here.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Walla Walla Union Bulletin Editorial on Release of Metadata
New Agency to Hear Public Records Complaints?
George Will Column on Why R-71 Signatures Should Be Withheld
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Mechling: Great Court Ruling on Electronic Records
Arizona Supreme Court: Metadata Is a Public Record
This decision overrules a horrible decision by the Arizona Court of Appeals that held the opposite. Local governments in Washington and elsewhere were pointing to the horrible decision as a reason to deny access to electronic records. Not any more.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Public Records Show ... How Badly Seattle Will Be Destroyed in an Earthquake
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Yakima Herald-Republic on Recent Open Gov't Cases
Monday, October 26, 2009
Split Decision in Open Meetings Case Against Arlington School District
(For background on the case, click here.)
The ruling: the District violated the OPMA 21 times but not intentionally, and the suit was not frivolous. The District's "study sessions" which occurred 100% of the time (41 out of 41 times) before an open meeting, were not a "regular" meeting. Instead, the judge ruled they were all "special meetings" and special meeting notice was provided. The question of whether a "dinner" meeting and three "retreats" were illegal meetings remains for trial.
This case is not over.
NOTE: Greg Overstreet of the Allied Law Group represented the Center for Justice.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
UPDATED 2: Accountant Wins $500,000 Settlement from Board of Accountancy Where Public Records Played Key Role
Here is The Olympian's story on the case.
The Seattle Times piece is here.
It is an amazing story. It shows that public records can save the day. And why agencies doing bad things hate the Public Records Act.
UPDATE 1: Looks like the Governor's Office is looking at a "consultant" to look at the Board of Accountancy. See the reaction to that.
UPDATE 2: The Board of Accountancy will investigate itself in the wake of paying out $500,000 to settle retaliation claims. The State Auditor says he will speak with the Governor and Attorney General about it.
Spokesman Review Editorial on Putting the Courts Under the Public Records Act
A Few Open Gov't Bright Spots
TNT Editorial on Public Records Act Applying to Courts
Friday, October 23, 2009
Background on Open Meetings Case Against Arlington School District
Seattle Times' Bruce Ramsey: Withhold Initiative Signatures
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
"Pizza Privacy" Guardian Tells His Side of the Story
This is the same argument Tim Eyman is using.
County Judge Blocks Release of Eyman Petitions
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
U.S. Supreme Court Blocks Release of R-71 Petitions Until After Election
Eymnan: Public Records Act Unconstitutional to the Extent It Could Lead to Harassment
"In an amended complaint filed Monday, initiative proponent Tim Eyman argues that the state's Public Records Act is 'unconstitutional to the extent that it requires public disclosure when there is a reasonable probability of threats, harassment, and reprisals.'"
Eyman is wrong.
Threats, harassment, and reprisals are already against the law. Enforce those laws. This would curb the specific problem in a given situation without giving government a blanket excuse to keep virtually all information secret. Government could find a way to say that release of virtually any information would lead to someone being "harassed." For example, maybe a politician claims release of a damaging email will cause "harassment" because now he or she has a tough re-election campaign.
The starting point for looking at the public's right to know how their government is functioning can never be "There could be some crazy guy out there out of the millions of people in the state." That's the same as saying "Never release anything."
Monday, October 19, 2009
U.S. Supreme Court Temporarily Blocks Release of R-71 Petitions
It is relatively common when failure to provide a temporary block would make the case moot (because the records were released and there is nothing left to fight about in the case).
Olympian Editorial on Ninth Circuit R-71 Ruling
Notes from Executive Sessions
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Court Says Courts Not Subject to Public Records Act
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wenatchee World Editorial on Why That Newspaper Sues to Get Public Records
Here's why.
Deleted Email Case--A Blow to Open Government
NOTE: Allied Law Group's Greg Overstreet represented the requestor in this case.
Suit Filed to Get Signers on All Eyman Initiatives, Not Just R-71
Eyman is opposing disclosure. A court hearing is scheduled for this week.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sunshine Committee Recommends Sunset Review of New Disclosure Exemptions
Jefferson County Must Pay $41,515 in Public Records Case
NOTE: Allied Law Group's Greg Overstreet and David Norman represented the records requestor in this case.
Walla Walla Union-Bulletin Editorial on Technology and Open Meetings
The U-B is exactly right. Efficiency is not the goal here.
The Open Public Meetings Act is designed to make decision making open to the public, even if this is less efficient than deciding business in a few clicks of the mouse. This is counterintuitive in our go-go fast-fast world. But it's the law. And there's a good reason for it.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Judge Blocks Release of Record ... But No One Cited a Legal Exemption from Disclosure
The Public Records Act requires a party resisting disclosure to cite a statute allowing the record to be withheld, and also requires the party to persuade a court that the exemption from disclosure applies. No one, not Matia nor the City, has cited an exemption from disclosure, let alone described how it applies. In fact, Matia agreed that an exemption must be cited and that it had not done so. The judge still ruled for Matia.
NOTE: Allied Law Group's Greg Overstreet represented The Bellingham Herald in the case.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
State Supreme Court to Hear Sealed Court Records Case
NOTE: Allied Law Group represents the Yakima Herald-Republic in the case.
Ruling Gives Seattle Police Oversight Board Access to Files
Here is the Seattle Times story on it, and the Seattle P-I's story.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A Quicker and Cheaper Way to Enforce Open Gov't Laws?
However, and this is extremely important, citizens could still go to court for enforcement. The administrative body would be an option.
Here is an editorial on the topic from the Spokesman-Review.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Clark College Sued Under Open Public Meetings Act
In this case, the defendant is the Clark College, a state community college. The allegations center on the student association at the college deciding student-election campaign violations and taking a personnel decision in a closed meeting.
City of Seattle Considers Social Networking Sites to Have Potential Open Meetings Problems
Good. We hope other local governments are paying attention.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Obama Administration Opposes Federal Reporter Shield Bill
A reporter shield law allows reporters to offer complete anonymity to sources who might have information that makes the government mad; shielding whistle blowers leads to more accountability because news stories that otherwise would not happen can be published.
The Obama administration's opposition to this illustrates our point that, in general, those in power oppose accountability efforts while those out of power tend to support them (until they are in power).
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Does Arbitrator's Ruling Trump the Public Records Act?
The article quotes Greg Overstreet of Allied Law Group, the firm representing the Herald.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
UPDATED: Many Editorials and Articles on R-71 Case
The (Longview) Daily News editorial.
The (Vancouver) Columbian editorial.
The Tri-City Herald editorial.
Kitsap Sun blog piece on Tim Eyman versus Sam Reed on the R-71 issue.
There are so many stories and editorials on this case, og-blog will be bringing them to you with little comment, just links, like above.
UPDATE: Here is The Olympian's editorial.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wash. Coalition for Open Gov't Honors State Auditor Brian Sonntag
For the record, Sonntag rules.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Reporter and Public Excluded from Court Proceeding Involving Judge
The Washington state constitution, Article I section 10, is pretty clear on this: "Justice in all cases shall be administered openly, and without unnecessary delay." Of all the things the public needs to see, to know that no one is getting special breaks, is the criminal trial of a judge. This is exactly why Article I section 10 exists.
EFF Calls Out AG on Yousoufian Amicus Brief
Monday, September 21, 2009
R-71: The Other Side of the Story
TNT Editorial on Eyman's R-71 "Fraud" Claim
Friday, September 18, 2009
Everett School District Ordered to Turn Over Records
Thanks to "Potbanger" for this story.
Federal R-71 Ruling Might Not Be the End of the Public Records Act
Thursday, September 17, 2009
TNT Editorial on Prisoner Prohibition on Records Requests
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
UPDATED (2): Federal Judge Rules R-71 Signatures Can Be Withheld For Now
Some of the signers of a similar petition in California were harassed by those opposed to that measure. On the other hand, there could be mischief if no one can see if the signatures on initiatives and referenda are legitimate--what if there are pages of signatures of "Mickey Mouse" (based on a true story)?
UPDATE 1: Another story, this one quoting Allied Law Group's Michele Earl-Hubbard.
UPDATE 2: A great story on this case from The (Vancouver) Columbian.
No Exemption from Disclosure for "This Might Embarass the President"
One odd point: The document written by [an administration official] includes this line: "It will raise energy prices and impose annual costs on the order of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX." The Treasury Department redacted the rest of the sentence with a thick black line.
The Freedom of Information Act, of course, contains no this-might-embarrass-the-president exemption (nor, for that matter, should federal agencies be in the business of possibly suppressing dissenting climate change voices). You'd hope the presidential administration that boasts of being the "most open and transparent in history" would be more forthcoming than this.
Thanks to Jason Mercier of the Washington Policy Center for this.
Editorials Across the State Blast R-71 Signature Ruling
The Spokesman-Review writes this one.
The Seattle P-I weighs in here.
This is the Yakima Herald-Republic's editorial.
The Walla Walla Union-Bulletin writes this.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Bellingham Herald Intervenes in Case on Whether City Can Destroy Public Record
NOTE: Allied Law Group represents the Bellingham Herald.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Olympian Editorial on "Legislative Exemption" from Public Records Act
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Split Decision on Federal Reserve FOIA Requests
Case on Sealed Court Records
Legislators React to Sunshine Committee Recommendation to Get Rid of Legislative Exemption
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Public Records Show ... City Council Member Using City Email to Send "Racy" Emails
They found something else. Apparently a city council member was using his city email account to send some "racy" emails to his girlfriend. During city council meetings. The city will now spend $5,000 to investigate the matter.
Of course, no one should care about adults exchanging "racy" emails. Whatever. But the problem is the use of taxpayer resources for this. And we know it happened only because of the Public Records Act.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Ethics Panel Violates Open Meetings Law
Thanks to Billy Kokanee for the tip on this story.
Obama Administration to Release White House Visitor Logs
The Bush administration did not release them and we criticized him for that. When the Obama administration initially did the same, we criticized that. Now we give credit where credit is due.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Sunshine Committee Recommends Repeal of Legislature's Public Records Exemption
Monday, August 31, 2009
Newspapers Filing Fewer Public Records Lawsuits
And government agencies know it. Some are counting on getting free passes to not provide records.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
UPDATED: Port of Port Angeles Accused of Violating Open Meetings Act
The Open Public Meetings Act prohibits the Port of Port Angeles from deciding who to hire in a closed-to-the-public executive session. But they narrowed down the pool of candidates for the Port's CEO job from 22 to 1. Going from 22 to 1 seems like a decision. When you narrow down, say, which of 22 cars you want to buy to 1, most normal people would call that a "decision."
The Port commissioners voted unanimously in an open session--without any discussion in the open session--to offer the job to the 1. A unanimous decision without any discussion but "no decision was previously made"? Wow. A bunch of politicians coming to a unanimous decision without any discussion on which of 22 people to hire? Theoretically possible but not terribly likely. A room full of politicians could debate for hours what to order for lunch.
The story is detailed in the Peninsula Daily News.
NOTE: The story quotes Greg Overstreet of Allied Law Group.
UPDATE: Here is a news story with more details of what happened.
Federal Reserve Must Disclose
Monday, August 24, 2009
Counties' Insurance Company Won't Cover Public Records Claims
This letter indicates that the county insurance pool will no longer cover Public Records Act claims by counties when they get sued.
This is probably because some counties, like Jefferson County, made some questionable decisions and got sued, like by claiming the "pizza privacy exemption."
So if you're suing a county for a Public Records Act violation, the county might be on the hook itself for the money (fees and penalties awarded to you and the county's own defense costs).
This might actually encourage sensible settlements by counties. Funny how making people pay the costs of their own actions makes them a little more careful. (Of course, when counties pay for their actions, it's with your tax money. But even this seems more like "their" money than insurance money.)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Morgan v. City of Federal Way--Victory for Open Gov't
The requestor, the (Tacoma) News Tribune, won.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
TNT Blasts Governor Over "Executive Privilege" For Public Records
The editorial describes other cases involving these so-called privileges.
Thanks to Mike Reitz and his Facebook page for alerting us to this one.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Both Sides of the Debate on Releasing R-71 Signatures
Both sides are thoughtfully and civilly debated in this Seattle Times piece.
Center for Justice Wins Public Records Case Against Spokane County
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Governor and "Executive Privilege"
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Candidates Respond to Open Gov't Questionaire
Monday, August 10, 2009
Database of Medical Errors
Sunday, August 9, 2009
UPDATE: City of Kirkland's Public Records Request Form Illegal?
That pesky Public Records Act provides (emphasis added): "Agencies shall not distinguish among persons requesting records, and such persons shall not be required to provide information as to the purpose for the request [with an exception for commercial use of records]."
We'll be watching this one.
UPDATE: Well, the City of Kirkland did the right thing and changed its public records request form in response to a letter from Tim Ford, the Attorney General's Open Government Ombudsman. Kudos to EFF's blog for bringing some attention to this.
See, we highlight good governmental behavior whenever possible.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Susan Hutchison/KIRO Court Records Released
NOTE: Allied Law Group's Michele Earl-Hubbard represented the Seattle Times and other news organizations seeking release of the records.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
UPDATED (3) Jefferson County Loses Public Records Case Over Commissioner's Phone Records
The Port Townsend Leader writes this story on a court ruling against Jefferson County which was attempting to withhold the public-phone system records of a county commissioner.
NOTE: Allied Law Group's Greg Overstreet and David Norman represented the records requestor.
UPDATE 1: The Peninsula Daily News writes this story on the case. And, no, the Public Records Act does not contain a "pizza privacy" exemption from disclosure. See RCW 42.56.001 - .904.
UPDATE 2: Scott Wilson, editor and publisher of the the Port Townsend Leader, writes this brutal editorial pointing out the folly of the County's "pizza defense." Good reading.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Federal Reserve Gets to Keep Bailout Facts Secret
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Signers of Anti-Gay Marriage Referendum Seek to Block Release of Their Names
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Public Records Show .... Gov't Employee Infiltrated Anti-War Group
Monday, July 27, 2009
Auditor Sonntag Wins Open Gov't Award
We have worked with Sonntag and know him to be the real deal when it comes to open government. Congratulations, Governor. (Under the constitutional line of succession when the Governor is absent, Sonntag was the governor for about three days around Christmas and technically is a former Governor so he retains the title of "Governor." He laughs when people call him that.)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
UPDATED: Obama Follows (Bad) Bush Policy on Release of White House Visitor Logs
UPDATE: OK, it looks like the Obama administration is backtracking and will, indeed, release the names of the health care executives who met with the President recently.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Arlington School District Open Meetings Suit
Looks like this story is getting wide coverage: a Portland TV news station has it.
NOTE: Allied Law Group's Greg Overstreet and David Norman represent the public-interest law firm bringing the case, the Center for Justice.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
City Settles Public Records Act Case for $175,000
This is an expensive law to violate ... except when you can pay for it with other people's money (tax payers).
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Televise the U.S. Supreme Court
TVW here in our state deserves enormous credit for televising (and archiving) state Supreme Court arguments. People here are better connected to their judicial branch because of it.
Idaho Last in State Campaign-Finance Disclosure Laws
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
State Bar Journal Article About Og-Blog
Why blog? "Simple," says Greg Overstreet, a principal of Allied Law Group. "It's fun, it's good for business, and it allows me to advocate for a right I care very deeply about." Based in Olympia, Overstreet runs the firm's Open Government Blog (, reviewing news, legislation, and cases that involve the state's Public Records and Open Public Meetings acts. One of his primary reasons for the site is to "maintain the firm's profile among our client groups." The biggest surprise for Overstreet? "Our clients get hooked reading the blog."
Overstreet frequently gets calls from news reporters who need an expert quote for a specific dispute. Weeks later, he will hear from a potential client who read the newspaper story. The blog earns him a quasi-journalist status, with people sending tips and insider information about open-government issues from around the state. (A reporter once asked Overstreet to hold a story, telling him, "I can't get scooped by a blogger.")
Og-blog has been a lot of fun. Thanks for reading it. We know how many of you there are out there, and it's a bigger number than you'd think.
Monday, June 29, 2009
City of Monroe Open Meetings Questioned
Thanks to a loyal og-blog reader who sent this to our attention.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
City of Bellingham Withholding Train Accident Documents
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Judge Rules Gay City Employees' Names Can Be Withheld
Here is more background on the case and how it developed.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Judge Seals Records and Closes Courtroom
(Longview) Daily News Editorial on Pres. Obama's Refusal to Disclose White House Visitor Logs
Here is background on President Obama's administratoin's refusal to release the records.
Jason Mercier Op-Ed on State Spending Database
Jason Mercier of the Washington Policy Center writes this op-ed on it in the (Tacoma) News-Tribune.
You might also be interested in the Evergreen Freedom Foundation's tax transparency web site,
Ken Bunting Op-Ed Piece on Open Gov't
Feast or Famine
There's been lots lately.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Pres. Obama Breaking Pledge to Allow Public to See Bills For 5 Days Before Signing
It's not working out that way.
Attorney General Blog on Open Gov't
You can find it at
Here is some more information on Unredacted.
$500,000 Public Records Ruling ... Kind Of
UPDATED (2): Gay City Employees Try to Block Release of Their Names
UPDATE 1: Here is more on the story from the Seattle Times.
UPDATE 2: The City, reluctantly, takes the position that the records are disclosable. Whether or not the City wants to release the records, this is the correct legal position. Give City Attorney Tom Carr credit where credit is due.
(Everett) Herald Editorial on "Late Night Happy Hour" City Meeting
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Obama Criticized for Lack of Openness
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Supreme Court to Rehear Yousoufian Case
Saturday, June 13, 2009
UPDATED: Supreme Court Quickly Orders Release of Federal Way Records
The story is from Washington Policy Center's blog.
UPDATE: Here is the TNT story on the release, including a link to the document they fought so hard to get.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Spokesman-Review Editorial on Copying Charges
Thursday, June 11, 2009
TNT Editorial on Federal Way Municipal Court Records
Monday, June 8, 2009
The $1 Million Public Meetings Notice Mistake
So reports The (Aberdeen) Daily World.
Local governments are always complaining about how costly it is to comply with open meetings laws. It seems a whole lot more costly to violate them.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
AG Ombudsman Questions Spokane's Copying Fees
Have you been to a Kinkos lately? They charge somewhere in the range of $0.10 per page. If the City's "actual cost" is $0.90 or $0.30 per page, is Kinkos giving away billions of dollars by undercharging for all their copies? Someone better tell Kinkos shareholders of this massive give-away.
Monday, June 1, 2009
King County Considering Public Records Reforms
The proposal for more openness comes from the political out (way out) of power in King County, thus reinforcing the idea that the "ins" are less enamored with public disclosure and the "outs" like it.
At least until the "ins" and "out" parties trade places. Then you start all over again. Repeat as necessary.
Video of Alleged Puppy Mill Released
While the Public Records Act gets all the attention, access to court records is a very important part of the open-government laws.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
City of Yakima Sued for Open Meetings Violation
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Justice-Nominee Sotomayor's Record on Open Gov't
In two cases involving requests under the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA), Sotomayor wrote an opinion that declined to order the release of the
requested information, explaining that she did not want to “unreasonably hamper
agencies in their decision-making.” Thus, in Tigue v. DOJ, 312 F.3d 70 (2d
Cir. 2002), the panel denied a tax attorney’s request for a memorandum written
by a Deputy U.S. Attorney outlining the office’s opinions and policies regarding
tax investigations, notwithstanding that the memorandum had been cited in a
publicly released report. And in Wood v. FBI, 432 F.3d 78 (2d Cir.
2005), while acknowledging that FOIA exemptions should be construed “narrowly,
resolving all doubts in favor of disclosure,” her opinion denied a reporter’s
request for an FBI memorandum regarding local FBI agents accused of lying.
She reasoned that the “unwarranted invasion of privacy” for the individuals
whose names would be released outweighed the public interest in disclosing a
government employee’s identity.
Court of Appeals: Administrative Hearings Must Be Open to Public
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Public Records Show .... Misdeeds at Seattle Fire Dept.
By the way, the Times found 23 incidents of reprimands since January 2008 in an agency of over 1,100 people. That's not bad. But that's the point--the news (the good, the bad, or the ugly) can only come out because of public records.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Editorial on the Municipal Death Penalty Case and Thoughts on OPM
The editorial points out that perhaps the lawyer's hardline approach was dictated by the client, the city.
But whether it was the lawyer or the city (or both), the fact is that when government is confronted with a choice of (1) following the law when it doesn't want to (by turning over embarassing documents) or (2) paying a bunch of money, it comes down to three letters: OPM. As in "Other People's Money." Why would a government agency follow the law when it can fight those pesky citizens endlessly with ... OPM. And then, if the citizens gets lucky and wins in court, pay a judgment with ... OPM.
It only seems to matter when there isn't enough OPM to save the town from bankruptcy. Then it's a "crisis."
Here's a previous post on all the reasons government--and their lawyers--have to roll the dice and not follow the law in open-government matters.
White House Exempt from FOIA
This is what we're talking about.
Editorial on Legislature Disclosing Records
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Seattle Exempts Itself From Index Requirement of Public Records Act
The law allows a local government to do so by passing a resolution proclaiming that such an index would be "unduly burdensome."
Monday, May 11, 2009
Op-Ed on Obama Release of Waterboarding Memos
However, the Obama administration is still withholding public records about which corporations are receiving bailout money. So the release of records that embarrass the previous administration is occurring, but releases about the current administration's actions seem to be less forthcoming.
Friday, May 8, 2009
City of Yakima "Jumping the Quorum"?
That appears to be what the Yakima City Council is doing according to this story in the Yakima Herald-Republic.
This came to light because the newspaper obtained city council members' emails through the Public Records Act.
NOTE: The story quotes Greg Overstreet of Allied Law Group. Also note that Allied Law Group represents the Yakima Herald-Republic.
Yakima Herald-Republic's Fight to Get Records Goes to Supreme Court
NOTE: Allied Law Group represents the Yakima Herald-Republic in this case so we won't comment on it on og-blog.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Police Officer Sues City of Vancouver for Records
Chicago Tribune Series on Open Gov't
Friday, May 1, 2009
Municipal Death Penalty: Public Records Loss Might Bankrupt Town
Maybe this will deter other local governments from violating the Public Records Act.
Probably not.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
They Can't Even Spell "Accountability"
Thanks for this tip from MR at the VRWC.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Bill Passes Giving Public Right to Comment at Public Meetings
King County Settles Public Records Case Over Elections for $225,000
Thursday, April 23, 2009
School District Sued for Releasing (Not Withholding) Records
Someone should tell the teacher's attorney about this little part of the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56.060, which provides:
"No public agency, public official, public employee, or custodian shall be liable, nor shall a cause of action exist, for any loss or damage based upon the release of a public record if the public agency, public official, public employee, or custodian acted in good faith in attempting to comply with the provisions of this chapter."
Immunity for releasing records. It's a key part of the Public Records Act. It gives agencies the confidence of knowing that they won't get sued for releasing records--they can only be sued for withholding them. This is a big incentive.
P.S. Thanks to "Kokanee Bill" for this seeing this story and letting us know about it.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tom Carr's Side of the Open Meetings Flap
Friday, April 17, 2009
Olympian Editorial on Mason County Case
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Family of Child Murder Victim Seeks Public Records About Alleged Killer
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Hostility to Open Gov't in Pennsylvania
To all of those who claim a pro-open government stance is just an "easy" political issue for politicians, we ask this: if being pro-open government is such a political no-brainer, why is the Governor of Pennsylvania acting this way?
If open government is such a no-brainer political issue, why aren't local government officials in Washington state falling all over themselves to provide public records and open up meetings? It's because open government means: (1) scrutiny on the decisions of those running things, and (2) ire sometimes from agency staff members (and their unions) who might be doing something wrong. Guess which side is the "easy" political decision?
Monday, April 13, 2009
UPDATED (2) City of Seattle Plans Secret Budget Meetings
Why? Because you little citizens can't handle all the facts. The story says "Council members said they oppose closed-door meetings in general but said there's no reason to bore the public with complex briefings and logistical decisions." Yep, it's just your money but there is "no reason to bore" you with the details. You are being treated like children. And a majority of your fellow citizens keep voting for these people.
Is this sub-quorum meeting a violation of the Open Public Meetings Act? Here's what the Attorney General's Open Government Internet Manual (section 3.4(B))says:
"A meeting [which triggers the OPMA] occurs if a quorum (that is, a majority) of the members of the governing body were to discuss or consider, for instance, the budget, personnel, or land use issues no matter where that discussion or consideration might occur. What about if less than a quorum is present? Several cases hold that the OPMA is only triggered by a quorum of the governing body, so the 'action' of less than a quorum is not subject to the OPMA. See, e.g., Eugster v. City of Spokane, 128 Wn. App. 1, 8, 114 P.3d 1200 (2005). Others argue that the legislative history of the OPMA indicates that the statute formerly required a quorum for an 'action' but was amended to apply to an action with less than a quorum. Laws of 1985, ch. 366, § 1(3)."
Note that the Eugster case is summarized as "the 'action' of less than a quorum is not subject to the OPMA." So if one half of the non-quorum (the four out of nine council members) does something, it's not the action of the whole council under Eugster. Yes, but "discussion" or "deliberation" of city business is "action" which triggers the OPMA. So if any information or discussion or deliberation travels from one half of the non-quorum to the other half of the non-quorum, you have a "discussion" or "deliberation" by the whole council; it just happened in two stages instead of one.
Since the City of Seattle thinks you are a child, the following illustration is appropriate. If one group of kids at an elementary school cafeteria table discuss something and have one kid go over to the other table and repeat it, and then bring back the thoughts of the second table to the first table, you have a "discussion" albeit it in two stages.
When one half of a quorum of a city council shares information with the second half of the quorum, this is called "jumping the quorum." Which is what will happen. Which is why the City of Seattle will violate the OPMA.
UPDATE 1: The City Council decided not to hold the sub-quorum meetings. The Attorney General's Office got involved and--credit where credit is due--apparently the City Attorney, Tom Carr, urged the Council to open the meetings.
Here is a Seattle Times editorial on opening the meetings; here is the later editorial congratulating the Council for doing so.
The Evergreen Freedom Foundation wrote a letter to the City Council that could be read as the threat of an Open Public Meetings Act lawsuit. Probably "just a coincidence" that the Council decided to open up the meetings.
(Sorry we're a day late on posting this. We took a day off on Friday. There's no news on a Friday, right?)
UPDATE 2: Here is Danny Westneat's column on this debacle.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
TNT Editorial on Coal Plant Negotiation Records
Monday, April 6, 2009
Waiting Five Days to See Something Sitting Right There
Here is a provision of the Attorney General's Model Rules on Public Records addressing this very topic:
"An agency can, of course, provide the records sooner than five business days. Providing the 'fullest assistance' [required by RCW 42.56.100] to a requestor would mean providing a readily available record as soon as possible. For example, an agency might routinely prepare a premeeting packet of documents three days in advance of a city council meeting. The packet is readily available so the agency should provide it to a requestor on the same day of the request so he or she can have it for the council meeting."
WAC 44-14-04004(1).
Friday, April 3, 2009
Free Speech Wins in Open Meetings
Mason County Must Pay $145,000 in Public Records Case
The judge assessed a (first-ever, to our knowledge) $100 per day penalty against the County. When the other penalties, costs, and attorney's fees are added up, Mason County will end up paying Carey about $145,000.
NOTE: Allied Law Group represented Carey in the case. Allied attorney Chris Roslaniec is quoted extensively in the story.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Big Bird Lobbies for Secrecy of Records Showing Birds Killing Humans
The FAA won't release records showing incidents of birds striking aircraft, as happened a few weeks ago when the US Air jet crashed into the Hudson River.
Who wants to keep these things secret? The "bird lobby" is all we could come up with. You've heard of "Big Oil" and "Big Tobacco." Now it's:
